quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009


A revista Forbes sempre traz frases sobre algum tema especifico na ultima pagina. Sao aquelas palavras ditas na hora certa e no lugar certo, que merecem ser repetidas por geracoes e geracoes.

Este mes o tema foi esposas.

‘ Many man owes his success to his first wife and his second wife to his success’.
- Jim Backus

‘ A TV host asked my wife, “have you ever considered divorce?” She replied: “Divorce, never. Murder, often.”’
- Charlton Heston

‘ My wife gives good headache’
- Rodney Dangerfied

‘ Wives invariably flourish when deserted; it is the deserting male, the reckless idealist rushing about the world seeking a nonexistent felicity, who often ends in disaster.’
- William McFee

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